Copyright Brandeis National Committee - Phoenix Chapter. All rights reserved.

Study Group Registration Instructions


General Registration opens on Wednesday, September 4th at
9:00 am. You will receive an email with the link to the Registration site. The LINK will also be on the Home Page of our website at


READ the groups descriptions in the Study Group Guide

WRITE DOWN the name and number of the Study Groups you want to join.

     a.Only the group name and number will be on the registration form so you must have your list available.

CREDIT CARDready to use upon checkout.


CLICK on the Link. You will see a page with a written list of Study Groups, 4-columns wide. You may SKIP this section as you already have your list of groups.

SCROLL to the next section which is a list of 102 study groups arranged in two columns. Under each is a blue or teal bar that that says                       .

When the group is full, the bar will read                        . If you want to be on the Waitlist, CLICK on 

and follow the directions. A pop-up message will appear on your screen to confirm you are on the waitlist. CONTINUE with your registration.

When you finish selecting your study groups, SCROLL to the end of the section. Fill in your name and contact information. In the field titled ‘name tag.’ you may type an ‘x’ or any characters in the space.

CONTINUE to Checkout. (Also called your Shopping Cart.) Check to ensure you have the correct study groups. Once you add your credit card, CLICK                      . Your next screen will say: SUCCESS. You will also receive a confirmation email.

PLEASE SAVE IT electronically. You will need this email to modify (add additional) groups later.


The term ‘Ticket’ = Study Group

Promo Code: The promo code is provided to facilitators who have more than one group. If you do not have one, SKIP that field. If you have a promo code, add it to the indicated field and CLICK 

If you are waitlisted, and a space opens, you will be notified by email. You have 24 hours to register for the group by responding to the email. (If you don’t respond, the space will go to the next name on the waitlist.) 

To confirm your registration, check your email (Inbox or Spam/Junk if you don’t see it) for your receipt. You can also check your credit card activity online to confirm you were charged.

Facilitators will send a Welcome Email once they receive a list of registrants. This may not come for a few weeks, so please be patient.

DO NOT contact individual vice presidents. They will not respond to personal calls. Instead contact us at: or 602.730.1222

DO NOT contact individual facilitators to get into groups. The system is automated and does not allow jumping the waitlist.