Copyright Brandeis National Committee - Phoenix Chapter. All rights reserved.

All members’ contact information shared for the use of Brandeis business shall remain confidential and not be shared with other organizations.


Please remember that any information discussed at a Brandeis National Committee event, planning meeting, and/or board meeting is to be used for Brandeis purposes alone and is not to be shared with friends, relatives or members of other local organizations. Funds raised at or by Brandeis National Committee Phoenix Chapter events are for the sole purpose of supporting BNC. Therefore, collections and solicitations for the benefit of other organizations at Brandeis events, including study groups, is inappropriate. All directories, phone numbers, addresses and emails shared for the use of Brandeis business shall remain for Brandeis business use only and not shared with other organizations.

The listing includes position, name and contact information

Board of Directors 2018 - 2019

Click Here for the List