Liza Mundy

The Sisterhood:

The Secret Hstory of Women at the CIA

Tim O'Brien

America Fantastica: A Novel


Jennet Conant  •  Fierce Ambition  •  Biography

Alice McDermott

Kirkus Reviews

New York Times


The Cipher Brief


Washington Post  (subscription)

Express  UK

AryNews  (Pakistan)

Smithsonian ​ -  The Ten Best History Books of 2023

Liza Mundy  •  The Sisterhood  •  Nonfiction

David Rosenfelt

Esquire Magazine:

The 20 Best Books of 2023

NPR - Linking the dramas of women's lives and wartime Saigon


Alice McDermott


Jennet Conant

Amy Silverman, Executive Producer of The Show on NPR

Book & Author 2024

Talia Carner
The Boy with the Star Tattoo

Life Magazine

October 2, 1950 issue

Profile of Maggie Higgins, p. 51

Tim O’Brien  •  America Fantastica: A Novel  •  Fiction

​​​​​NYT: 34 Works of Fiction to Read this Fall

New York Times Review

Kirkus Reviews - AliceMcDermott Takes a Literary Detour

Oprah's Best Book Reads for Fall

ABC News Book Review

Literary Hub - Memory as a Mode of storytelling

The Guardian - White Saviour Complexities

Esquire Magazine:

The 20 Best Books of 2023

This page will be updated regularly - visit us often!

Liza Mundy

Alice McDermott  •  Absolution  •  Fiction

A Likely Story - a Newsletter by Liza Mundy

Reflections on how history repeats itself

David Rosenfelt

'Twas the Bite Before Christmas

Jennet Conant

Fierce Ambition

Copyright Brandeis National Committee - Phoenix Chapter. All rights reserved.

Publication: January 30, 2024

Talia Carner

A portion of the proceeds from books sold at the Book & Author event will benefit BNC's new library campaign, The Legacy of Louis: Inspiring Inquiry.

Tim O'Brien


​​David Rosenfelt  • ’ Twas the Bite Before Christmas  •  Legal Thriller

Talia Carner  •   The Boy with the Star Tattoo  •  Historical Fiction
